3D Book Testimonial

This Book Testimonial is a unique way to showcase testimonials. Allowing Users
to flip through pages of a book.

npx @ayushmxxn/serenity-ui@latest add book-testimonial-3D
import React from 'react'
import BookTestimonial3D from './components/ui/BookTestimonial3D';

const testimonials = [
    image: 'https://via.placeholder.com/150',
    text: 'Using this library has been a game-changer for our product development.',
    name: 'Michael Davis',
    jobtitle: 'Full Stack Developer',
    rating: 5
    image: 'https://via.placeholder.com/150',
    text: 'I love  how intuitive and well-documented this component library is. It has significantly improved our UI consistency across projects.',
    name: 'James Wilson',
    jobtitle: 'Product Manager',
    rating: 2
    image: 'https://via.placeholder.com/150',
    text: 'This library has saved us a significant amount of time and effort. The components are well-documented and easy to integrate.',
    name: 'Sarah Taylor',
    jobtitle: 'Backend Developer',
    rating: 5
    image: 'https://via.placeholder.com/150',
    text: 'The components are highly responsive and work seamlessly across different devices and screen sizes.',
    name: 'Emily Chen',
    jobtitle: 'Mobile App Developer',
    rating: 5

function page() {
  return (
      <BookTestimonial3D testimonials={testimonials}/>

export default page;


Prop NameTypeDescription
imagestringRepresents the URL or path to an avatar image
namestringSpecifies the name of the person
jobtitlestringSpecifies the job title of the person
textstringSpecifies the testimonial that the person has given
ratingnumberSpecifies the Star rating given by a person.
Built byAyushmaan Singh. The source code is available onGithub